There isn't enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. You must decide which will live there.: Where there is doubt, there is fear.
Faith and fear do not angry as both cannot dwell in the same place.

Luke 18:8
What God is seeking for is faith and not our worries.

As believers we are expected to worry for nothing but in all things be grateful. Phil 4:6

Beloved, Faith is not static, Faith is obtainable and it grows strong or becomes weak when not well fed.

 The level of your faith is determined in a test and it can be built by the word of God. Romans 10:17

Faith is applicable in every day's life. Faith is the weapon of the saints. Faith is the only way God is pleased.

Faith is of the mind. Therefore, we must not give room to fear and doubt in our mind if we want faith to abide in us.

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